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How to Onboard Into Web3: Step-By-Step Guide

How to Onboard Into Web3: Step-By-Step Guide

Product design
8 min read

Emergen Research's analysis reveals that the market size of Web 3.0 reached $3.2 billion in 2021 and will increase by over $80 billion by 2030. The adoption of blockchain technologies and the introduction of new Web 3.0 dApps and Web3 wallets is the driving force behind the market's revenue growth.

In the evolving landscape of Web3, the designers’ role has become vital. As the concept gains momentum and the market expands, designers should adapt their skill sets to leverage this new paradigm’s enormous potential.

Arounda has extensive experience in the Web3 world. Our team created UI/UX design for the XBlock blockchain explorer and MintySwap NFT Marketplace. In this article, we will share our experience on how to onboard into Web3 as a designer. 

Overview of Web3

Before you learn how to onboard into Web3, consider the benefits and downsides of this area:


  • Decentralization. Web3 enables decentralized apps not controlled by a single entity or central authority. This decentralization level increases transparency, immutability, and censorship resistance.
  • Trust and Security. Web3 utilizes cryptographic algorithms and consensus mechanisms, like proof-of-work or proof-of-stake. It ensures the security and integrity of data.
  • User Control and Ownership. Web3 design gives users control over their data and digital assets. In particular, they can manage access permissions and participate in governance processes.


  • Scalability. Web3 faces scalability challenges due to the limited transaction throughput of blockchain networks. The more users join the network, the higher the load becomes. It results in slower confirmation times and higher fees.
  • Complexity. Web3 involves learning new programming languages, frameworks, and tools specific to blockchain development. This complexity can be a barrier to developers' and designers' entry.
  • User Experience. Current Web3 interfaces and wallets are complex and unintuitive for non-technical users. That’s why improving the user experience is essential for the mainstream adoption of Web3 applications.

The Web3 ecosystem is rapidly evolving, and ongoing development efforts address many of the issues listed above. In particular, designers make a significant contribution to fixing these problems.

Difference Between a Web2 and a Web3 Designer

Web2 and Web3 designers work on websites based on diverse technological paradigms. Here's a breakdown of the most critical differences between the two.

Web2 Designer

Web2 (Web 2.0) represents a traditional web model in which designers create websites using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Web2 designers focus on creating visually appealing and user-friendly interfaces. They typically focus on user experience, visual aesthetics, and interaction design.

Web3 Designer

Web3 designers have a broader scope of responsibilities. They should understand the underlying technologies, like blockchain, smart contracts, decentralized file systems, and cryptocurrencies. Web3 designers also need to consider token economics and UX within the context of decentralized systems.

The main difference between Web2 and Web3 designers lies in the principles they follow. Web3 designers have a deeper understanding of blockchain technology and its design implications. In addition, they must adapt to decentralized systems' unique challenges and opportunities.

The role of a Web3 designer depends on a specific project, platform, or blockchain technology. Web3 designers will likely face new design considerations and particular standards as the field matures.

Key Steps to Onboard Into Web3

Here's a step-by-step guide on how to onboard into Web3:

Understand Web3 and Blockchain 

It’s the first and most crucial step since Web3 and blockchain technology are the backbone of decentralized systems. Understanding these concepts provides a solid foundation for the Web3 design journey. Designers should also dive deeper into cryptocurrencies, NFTs, DAOs, dApps, DeFi, and so on.

Learn about Decentralization 

Decentralization is the core concept in Web3. Therefore, understanding how it works and impacts design principles is essential. For example, customers control their data in a decentralized network, which affects UI and UX solutions.

Familiarize Yourself with Existing Web3 Interfaces 

There are already numerous decentralized applications (dApps) out there. Designers can look at their interfaces, see how they interact with the blockchain, and understand development decisions. It will provide insight into the field's current standards and best practices they should stick to.

Learn Crypto UX 

Cryptocurrencies are an integral part of Web3. Therefore, realizing how to design relevant and intuitive UX for such apps is crucial. It includes creating wallet interfaces, transaction interfaces, and more.

Understand Smart Contracts and DApps 

A significant part of Web3 revolves around smart contracts and decentralized applications. Thus, designers should know how they work to create interfaces with seamless interactions.

Get Involved in the Community 

The Web3 community is vibrant and active. Forums, meetups, and discussions will help you immerse yourself in the current landscape. It also keeps you familiar with the latest trends and technologies.

Practice by Doing

Designers may work on their own projects or collaborate with others. For instance, it could be redesigning a traditional web application into a dApp, creating a new NFT, or dealing with any other Web3-related project. Here, practicing is the best way to learn.

Portfolio Building

Create a portfolio to showcase your experience in Web3. Present your projects, contributions to open-source projects, and any other relevant work. A portfolio is crucial when looking for job opportunities in Web3 design.

Stay Up-to-Date

The Web3 space is evolving rapidly. New tools, platforms, and design practices are constantly emerging. Staying up-to-date with these changes is critical to succeed as a Web3 designer.

Explore the World of Web3 With Arounda

Embracing Web3 opens up opportunities to explore new concepts, collaborate with global communities, and contribute to the emerging digital landscape. From our experience, the above steps will help designers onboard into Web3 and make the grade.

Remembering what it takes to onboard into Web3 as a designer is vital. By adopting a Web3 mindset and incorporating decentralized principles, designers shape the future of digital experiences. 

For more than five years, Arounda has been using the best practices and reinterpreting them in a user-friendly way to meet our clients' business objectives. And we are ready to bring new ideas to the world of Web3.


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FAQ on UI/UX design services

What is Web3, and why is it important?

Web3 refers to the next generation of the Internet. It promotes autonomy and reduces censorship risks by removing the reliance on centralized entities. On top of that, Web3 enhances trust and transparency through blockchain, enabling secure and tamper-resistant transactions. Moreover, Web3 empowers individuals by providing ownership and control over their data, prioritizing customer privacy.

How to onboard into Web3 as a designer?

It takes several key steps to onboard into Web3 as a designer. Firstly, familiarize yourself with the core principles and technologies of Web3. Also, explore the existing Web3 projects to gain insights into the design challenges and opportunities within the space. Next, immerse yourself in the Web3 design community. Collaborating with others will boost your knowledge and provide valuable networking opportunities. Keep an eye on design-specific events and hackathons focused on Web3. You can showcase your skills and work on real-world projects there. Finally, consider building your Web3 projects portfolio.

What is the role of a designer in Web3?

Web3 designers play a vital role in communicating complex blockchain-related concepts through clear and understandable visual elements and interactions. Their goal is to enhance customer adoption and engagement within the Web3 ecosystem. The most crucial aspect of the designer's role in Web3 is creating intuitive and user-friendly interfaces allowing individuals to interact with blockchain technology seamlessly.

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