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How To Create a Web3 dApp: Key Steps

How To Create a Web3 dApp: Key Steps

Product design
6 min read

Web3 dApps provide users with the benefits of privacy, security, and data ownership. With the development of blockchain technology, more and more people want to know how to build a web3 dApp. Why so? They realize that this is the future of our technology.

Well, creating a Web3 dApp has become easier than before, but there are still many challenges. 

Arounda has implemented some successful Web3 projects, and we're ready to share the tips we've learned from this work. Whether you're a developer or an entrepreneur, these recommendations will help you get started building your dApp.

What is a Web3 DApps?

Web3 dApps run on a decentralized network, such as a blockchain. These applications use smart contracts. These are self-executing contracts with the terms of a seller-buyer agreement, and those are directly written into lines of code.

Some examples of Web3 dApps include decentralized exchanges, social media platforms, prediction markets, and gaming applications.

Before learning how to develop a web3 dApp, you must clearly define its characteristics.

DApp components are:

  • Smart Contracts. They store the business logic and application state for a dApp.
  • UI. The client side of a dApp can leverage standard web technologies like HTML and JavaScript. It enables developers to use well-known tools, libraries, and frameworks.
  • Data Storage. Several dApps use off-chain data storage services, while the blockchain stores essential business logic and state information.

Advantages of DApps

Although the interfaces of dApps and traditional apps may look the same, dApps offer many advantages over their centralized counterparts.

  • Due to the absence of a single point of failure, dApps are less vulnerable to attacks, making it harder for attackers to take over the network. A P2P network can also ensure that a dApp will operate with minimal downtime, even if individual computers or network parts malfunction. 
  • Users can better control the information they share. Since companies don't manage users' data, there's no need for accurate identification. People connect to dApps with crypto wallets and ultimately control the information they share.
  • Developers can easily integrate cryptocurrencies into dApps using smart contracts. For example, Ethereum-based dApps can accept ETH as payment without integrating third-party payment systems.

Disadvantages of DApps

Decentralized apps are still in the early stages of development, and the industry needs to address limitations related to scalability, code modification, and small user numbers.

  • DApps require significant computing power, which can overload the networks where they run.
  • Difficult to change dApps internal code. Approval of any changes or improvements will require the consensus of most of the network's nodes, which will take a long time to achieve.
  • Due to the large number of dApps on the market, it can take time to stand out and attract many users. For a decentralized program to work effectively, it needs to achieve a network effect — the more users it has, the more efficiently it provides services.

Step-by-Step Guide on How to Build a Web3 App 

The answer to "how to create a web3 dApp?" consists of several essential aspects: dependencies, smart contract and its connection with front-end, migration, and compilation. Let's talk about each of them in more detail below.

Install the Dependencies

When creating a Web3 dApp, there are several dependencies that you will need to install to interact with the Ethereum network.

  • Node.js. JavaScript runtime to run JavaScript code on the server side.
  • NPM. A package manager for Node.js. It allows you to install and manage packages that you need for your project.
  • Web3.js. JavaScript's library to interact with the Ethereum network.
  • Ganache. Local Ethereum blockchain that you can use for testing and development purposes.
  • Truffle. Development framework for Ethereum that provides tools for compiling and deploying smart contracts.
  • MetaMask. Browser extension to interact with the Ethereum network.

However, depending on your specific project requirements, you may need to install additional packages.

Develop Smart Contract

When creating a Web 3.0 app, smart contract development is a crucial component. So start with choosing a programming language. For example, Solidity is the most popular and widely used Ethereum smart contract development language.

Next, write your smart contract code. It should include functions that define the behavior of your dApp, such as sending and receiving tokens, managing user permissions, and executing business logic.

Setup Migration

A migration process is critical to ensure your smart contracts are correctly deployed and configured on the blockchain.

  • Create a migration contract. It should include functions that deploy your smart contracts and configure them with any necessary parameters.
  • Write migration scripts. It should include calls to your migration contract's deployment functions and any additional setup or configuration steps necessary for your dApp.
  • Test. After running your migration scripts, it's essential to test your deployment to ensure that your smart contracts are correctly deployed and configured.

Compile and Deploy

Once you have written your smart contract code, you must compile it into bytecode to execute it on the Ethereum network.

  • Test it to ensure that it functions as intended. You can use tools like Ganache or Truffle's built-in testing framework.
  • Deploy it to the Ethereum network. You can interact with it using Web3.js or other Ethereum client libraries. You can use these libraries to write the front-end code for your dApp and enable users to interact with your smart contract.

Connect Front-end and Smart Contract

The front-end is the face of the dApp that customers see and use. The smart contract is the brain that ensures the dApp works correctly on the blockchain. 

Here is a step-by-step instruction on how to connect them:

1. Choose a front-end framework.

2. Connect to the Ethereum blockchain by specifying the network ID, provider URL, and other connection parameters.

3. Load your smart contract by specifying the contract address, ABI, and other configuration parameters.

4. Interact with your smart contract by calling its functions and retrieving data from the blockchain.

5. Update the front-end UI to display data from the smart contract and allow users to interact with its functions.

6. Remember to thoroughly test and debug your front-end code to ensure it works properly with the smart contract and provides a good user experience.


Soon, dApps will be able to show the market many more unique use cases. Over time, people's interest in dApps will only grow. It is time to start boosting your business with their use. So, contact us, and we will create the best web 3.0 decentralized app for you.

Some people can learn how to create a Web 3.0 app independently, but it is a challenging task requiring significant time and expertise. Our team has experience developing various Web3 products, such as a Web 3.0 NFT platform. If you want to know more about it, check out our portfolio.


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FAQ on UI/UX design services

What are some common challenges in developing a Web3 dApp?

It can be challenging due to the complexity of the technologies involved, such as blockchain, smart contracts, and decentralized data storage. In addition, the web 3.0 world is changing rapidly, making it difficult to keep track of and implement new development approaches.

How to create a web3 dApp?

Choose a blockchain platform, develop smart contracts, build the front-end, test and deploy, interact with the blockchain, connect to a wallet, and launch your dApp. You'll need a good understanding of blockchain technology and smart contract development, but plenty of online resources will help you get started.

What are the steps for dApp development?

To create a web 3.0 app, you must identify the problem you want to solve and design the smart contract code that will run on your chosen blockchain platform. Then, you must build the front-end and integrate it with the smart contract. Next, thoroughly test the dApp for functionality and security. Finally, deploy the dApp on the blockchain platform.

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