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What Is MRR in SaaS and How To Calculate It?

What Is MRR in SaaS and How To Calculate It?

Product design
7 min read

According to Harvey Nash, Software as a Service (SaaS) is a leading technology for achieving business objectives. In 2021, the global SaaS market had a value of $215.10 billion, and experts predict it will reach $883.34 billion by 2029

In the world of SaaS businesses, keeping track of KPIs to gauge growth, sustainability, and overall success is crucial. Some of the most critical KPIs are Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR) and ARR (Annual Recurring Revenue). The ARR and MRR SaaS calculation is vital for evaluating financial health and predicting future earnings.

Arounda has experience developing SaaS products, such as the QTalent platform and the WordPress service. We know many of this sector's specifics and are ready to share them. This article will delve into the MRR calculation and its benefits to businesses when tracked effectively.

The Importance of MRR in SaaS

When it comes to understanding the performance of a software-as-a-service company, the question "What is MRR in SaaS?" is essential for investors and business owners for several reasons.


MRR is essential to make informed decisions about long-term planning and growth. By monitoring SaaS MRR over time, businesses can invest strategically in product development, marketing, and customer acquisition to build a sustainable, predictable revenue stream.

Customer retention 

Since SaaS companies depend on subscription-based revenue, retaining customers and minimizing churn is essential. Monitoring MRR helps businesses identify trends in customer churn and develop strategies to improve retention rates. The longer users stay subscribed, the more revenue they generate and the higher the MRR. 

Market value enhancement

When SaaS businesses want to raise capital or sell their business, investors and potential buyers will look at MRR as an indicator of the business's health and potential for future growth. A high MRR usually increases the value of a SaaS business.

How To Calculate MRR

For MRR SaaS calculation, follow these steps:

  1. Determine the total number of paying subscribers in a given month. It includes both new subscribers and existing ones who renew their subscriptions.
  2. Calculate the average subscription fee for each paying subscriber. It should include any discounts or promotions that subscribers are receiving.
  3. Multiply the total number of paying subscribers by the average subscription fee. It will give you the total MRR for that month.

Here's an example calculation:

Let's say you have 1,000 paying subscribers in a given month. The average subscription fee is $50 per month.

The calculation for MRR would be:

MRR = 1,000 x $50 = $50,000

The MRR for that month would be $50,000.

MRR only includes predictable and recurring revenue from subscription fees. It does not include one-time charges or fees for add-ons or upgrades.

The Importance of ARR in SaaS

ARR is another key metric in the SaaS industry. It measures the predictable and recurring revenue generated by a SaaS business annually.

The importance of ARR in SaaS is as follows:

Basis for Financial Planning

ARR provides a stable basis for planning. It allows scheduling and budgeting for the long term instead of relying on short-term revenue streams.

Growth Indicator

By analyzing the trend of ARR over time, businesses identify whether they are growing. If ARR increases, the company is acquiring new customers and keeping existing ones. SaaS owners can use ARR to set growth targets and track their progress.


ARR allows SaaS companies to benchmark their performance against competitors and industry standards. It helps businesses identify areas where they are underperforming and make strategic adjustments to improve their competitive position.

Pricing strategy evaluation

Monitoring ARR can help SaaS companies evaluate the effectiveness of their pricing strategy. For example, if ARR is consistently growing, it may indicate that the company's pricing model is well-suited to the market. Conversely, stagnant or declining ARR may signal the need for a pricing adjustment.

How To Calculate ARR

MRR and ARR are closely linked. MRR calculates the recurring revenue generated each month, while ARR calculates the recurring revenue generated over a year. 

Therefore, the calculation is quite simple:

ARR = MRR * 12

If you don't have MRR, then here's a step-by-step formula for calculating ARR without it:

  1. Determine the total number of paying subscribers in a given year. 
  2. Calculate the average subscription fee for each paying subscriber.
  3. Multiply the total number of paying subscribers by the average subscription fee, then multiply the result by 12 (the number of months in a year). It will give you the total ARR for that year.

Here's an example calculation:

Let's take the same parameters as above: 1,000 paying subscribers in a given year. The average subscription fee is $50 per month.

The calculation for ARR would be:

ARR = (1,000 x $50) x 12 = $600,000

The ARR for that year would be $600,000.

ARR is usually used by enterprise SaaS companies that deal with annual contracts. If most of your recurring revenue comes from monthly subscriptions, it's better to use MRR.

MRR and ARR Growth Tips

Here are some points for increasing ARR and MRR SaaS metrics:

Focus on customer acquisition 

Acquiring new customers is essential for growing MRR and ARR. You can use different strategies, such as content marketing, SMM, and SEO, to attract potential customers.

Improve customer retention 

Consider providing excellent service, offering loyalty programs, and improving the overall user experience to satisfy them.

Increase the value of your offering 

Improving your product or service can help you increase customer retention and attract new customers. Consider adding new features or improving the existing ones to provide more value to your customers.

Optimize pricing

Your pricing strategy can have a significant impact on MRR and ARR. Consider testing different approaches, such as tiered, usage-based, or per-user pricing, to see what works best for your business.

Upsell and cross-sell

A well-executed growth strategy should focus on increasing ARR and MRR SaaS by upselling or cross-selling to maximize revenue potential. You can offer premium features or complementary products.

Expand your market

Consider targeting new demographics or expanding into new geographies to reach a broader audience.

Monitor your metrics 

Regularly monitoring your ARR and MRR SaaS metrics can help you identify improvement areas. Use data analytics tools to track your performance and make data-driven decisions to grow your business.


Tracking SaaS MRR and ARR is more critical than ever to ensure long-term success and profitability. These metrics provide insights into the company's overall financial health and can help identify areas for growth. Calculating both metrics can help companies set realistic revenue targets, forecast future revenue streams, and make informed business decisions.

Arounda will help you create a high-quality SaaS product, as we already have numerous projects in this area. Our team will provide you with UX/UI design and other services to keep your MRR and ARR rates growing constantly. 

Contact us and our team will provide you with UX/UI design and other services to keep your MRR and ARR rates growing constantly. 


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FAQ on UI/UX design services

How to calculate MRR for SaaS?

For MRR SaaS calculation, businesses must sum up the monthly subscription fees from all their active customers. Calculations can be more complex when companies have different subscription plans or pricing tiers. In these cases, businesses need to calculate the MRR for each plan or tier separately and then add them together to get a total MRR figure. Accounting for any changes in subscription revenue, such as upgrades or downgrades, is also essential.

What is the average MRR for SaaS?

It's difficult to determine an exact average MRR for SaaS businesses, as a wide variety of factors can impact this metric, including the size and maturity of the company, the industry it operates in, and the pricing model it uses. Some SaaS startups might have MRR figures in the low thousands, while others might generate hundreds of thousands of dollars in MRR each month.

What is a good MRR dynamics for a SaaS company?

The percentage increase in MRR for early-stage SaaS companies typically ranges between 15-30%. It reflects the rapid growth potential of SaaS companies as they acquire new customers and expand their offerings. However, as a SaaS company matures and reaches a more saturated market, it may become more challenging to achieve high MRR growth rates.

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